
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: NF ELR Match, 1st Time Shooter
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: NF ELR Match, 1st Time Shooter
Welcome to the Everyday Sniper podcast, we have an awesome episode for everyone. So the NF ELR Match in WY is one of the most popular ELR Matches in the country. Every Year Accuracy International visits my range to dope their rifles and this year they went 1, 2. 3...
So wanting to participate in ELR Competition Chris Way of RifleKraft Fame decided to throw his hat into the ring. Chris is an accomplished competitor with enough Hardware to my Ace blush, so it was interesting to watch his work up for this event given he had life smack in the forehead before he even got started. So let's listen to Chris' ELR Journey as a first time competitor at the NF ELR Match.
Life comes at you fast so be flexible is what I can say about the first part. You have to decide, do I stay or do I go, isn't that the million dollar question?
Then, when thrown a curve, as in my data doesn't match my ranges what do you do? Do you fold and go home or do you adjust and persevere ?
In the end it's the experience right, taking a big swing with the bat in an effort to gain as much as possible or just be another man on the line. Chris gives you all the details as he recorded every piece of data imaginable as he followed the ELR Path down that endless rabbit hole we call shooting.
Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being a part of the Everyday Sniper Podcast.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Cole Quarnberg and TeamPOI
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Cole Quarnberg and TeamPOI
Welcome to the everyday sniper podcast, on today's episode I have Cole Quarnberg from TeamPOI, actually Cole wears a lot of hats and we talk about a bunch of them.
This is bit, a state of the industry when it comes to marketing, the internet and our gun industry. It's a bit strange how the gun industry will at the same time protect itself at all costs while eating its own. You hate to see it, but it's reality of the world we live in. We spent some time talking about his acquisition of Straight Jacket Armory and the changes he is making there. Before Cole took over operations at SJA, there was a few customer service issues. From there our discussion turned to how you make changes and handle a business in 2024 when a customer can go right to the internet to complain before they ever call for a solution. It's a weird dynamic and very real one I deal with over at Sniper's Hide. On the one hand we love our manufacturers, on the other hand we have to resist the want to burn them down when things don't go our way.
Cole is a solid individual who is looking to do right by his customers and this industry.
Thanks for Cole for coming on the Podcast, addressing issues from the forum and laying out a path forward for not just his customers, but anyone who wants to do better.
Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being a part of the Everyday Sniper Podcast.

Wednesday May 29, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Quick & To the Point
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Quick & To the Point
Hey Everyone in Podcast Land, welcome to the Everyday Sniper Podcast. In this episode get right to the climate change problem by explaining the heating of the Earth is coming from inside the House.
After I finish my conspiracy theory discussion on Climate Change I jump right into shooting talk over the Leupold Mk4HD.
I have a Leupold Mk4HD 6-24x52mm Scope mounted on my GAP Production Rifle with Manners Tunable Stock. Have I mentioned how much I love the Manners Tunable Stock and think it's the best stock on the market. Anyhow, I mounted the Leupold Mk4HD on the Manners Tunable GAP Production Rifle so now I have to go out and shoot it.
From the Manners Tunable to Kraft Quick Wind. In order to dope the wind, you need to know what the Effective Wind Speed is. Now Effective Wind is different from a straight up wind call. The effective wind is telling you what the wind along with the angle is actually doing. Once you have the Effective Wind, using Quick Wind becomes super easy.
The Class schedule is located on Sniper's Hide in the Training Course Announcement Section iso be sure to stop on by to see what our class schedule looks like. We have Fort Morgan, Cameo, Black Bear Virginia is opened up. We'll be crisscrossing the United States again this year.
As always, thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being a part of the Everyday Sniper Podcast.

Wednesday May 22, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Ted Hoeger's European Shooting Vacation
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Ted Hoeger's European Shooting Vacation
Zoom Call today, Ted Hoeger from Iowa, past student, friend of the podcast. Ted he traveled to Norway and Italy to shoot some European PRS events. Getting Ted's insights into the travel, logistics, atmosphere, weapons used was super valuable information and too good to pass up,
Ted is compiling information so US Shooters can find everything necessary to travel to Europe safely and successfully to shoot their PRS style events. Hearing all this from a source is super important, him wanting to make it every 2 years is even cooler.
The Norway event was 3 days and traveled to 3 different venues which is super unique. That sounds too cool for words. No home range advantage when you have 3 different looks for terrain. Big props to the Norway Match Director, he sounds like a big thinker if you ask me. Ted's next stop was to Italy, I have spoke to Davide over there and I am very familiar with his work. They are big time building a solid shooting community, and really that is what it is all about, community vs the individual. I find Davide's leadership inspiring and his commitment to education is to be commended on every level.
Finally I go on my typical rant, I have high respect for Ted, and don't want to put him on the spot, but I feel he is well placed to make a few minor changes. I don't do it to be ugly, I do it to improve the overall experience here in the US. The fact that I don't want to shoot anything in the South East bothers me, I should want to shoot everything and I don't. That's said.
But thank you Ted, I really appreciate you taking your time, spending it with me on the computer. Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being a big part of the Everyday Sniper Podcast.

Sunday May 12, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Marc Taylor is in the House !
Sunday May 12, 2024
Sunday May 12, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Marc Taylor is in the House !
Huge news, Marc is here. Last night Marc Taylor spent the night on his way to Mississippi. As many know Marc had a widow maker heart attack and then during the surgery had a follow up stroke. Well Marc is driving through Denver and spent the night with us. In this episode Marc updates us on his Attack, the surgery, and his recovery. From there, we are back to classes with Marc come this summer. We have 3 Alaska Classes and a few Lower 48 ones.
Huge news for the Sniper's Hide Community to have Marc up and moving around let alone driving from Washington State to Mississippi.
Give it listen, show Marc some love, and share this episode wide and far.

Thursday May 09, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Jacob & Frank Talk UFOs
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Jacob & Frank Talk UFOs
This is a hodge podge of topics today. Jacob and I are just cleaning up some topics here.
First we jump into my NASCAR trip last weekend. Kansas Speedway, talking some Kyle Larson greatness. Then we start talking shooting about 8 minutes into the podcast. We go over the following topics:
Heavy vs Light Bullet Experience
22 Zero Ranges
Kraft Quick Wind Methods
UFOs and Energy
This was a fun podcast with Jacob, lots of energy in the room. So the topic get about 10 minutes each. We talk what Chris Way and I are up too. Lots of great stuff contained in this episode.
Make sure you head over to Sniper's Hide, look at the classes in the training section. We also have a 25% discount code up for LeoPhoto Tripods and Products in the forum.
Thanks to everyone for listening, for sharing, for being a part of the everyday sniper podcast.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Check it, don't Wreck it
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Check it, don't Wreck it
Man I am getting old, like really old, my eyes are dying, my mind is frying, I would forget my own head it wasn't attached at the neck. Making mental mistakes has been a growing concern of mine. I need checklists and notes now to remind myself too do things I used to do religiously. Shooting is the same way, we get complicit, we get lazy, we have competition or training scars that appear when they are not wanted.
I want you to think checklists, what are some checklists we can use to organize and manage our gear. Where is your laser, how about a spare dope card, got a chamber flag in there ?
In the military we used to practice getting stuff out of our packs in the dark. Where do things go, how so you access them when you are in a hurry, can't see ? All solid questions.
In this podcast I talk:
Scope Mount
Group Buys
KMW Tac Ops Collaboration Rifle
Gravity Ballistics with a 22
May Cameo Class
Hide TV Upgrades
We have a lot of new upgrades getting ready to happen at Sniper's Hide. Be sure to download the SH App in your favorite App Store to take advantage of the features.
Thanks for listening, thanks for visiting, and thanks for sharing. Lowlight

Friday Apr 19, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Rance & Roberts Cr2 Lightfighter
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Rance & Roberts Cr2 Lightfighter
Today we have the Cr2 Guys talking their Lightfighter Books Series, going from print to the real world. The Cr2 Breakdown their Lightfighter Book series, from radios, drones, etc.
The Topics we discussed with the Cr2 guys,
Drone Warfare
Radio Highlights
Army Sniper rumors
Lightfighter course requirements
This is really what a modern Lightfigher course should look like. It's a bit of everything, Reconnaissance, Target Identification, Weapons and Tactics. Great Stuff.
Here it is from the Cr2 guys themselves.
The Light Fighter Manifesto delves into the gritty, real-world strategies and tactics used in modern emergent warfare. Each volume explores various topics that the modern-day Light Fighter needs to be successful at home and on the battlefield. Volume one, "Adapt and Survive," covered topics from covert entry, mobility, mountain warfare, personal fabrication, land navigation, and open-source intelligence. We also update readers on the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.In the second volume, "Disrupt and Destroy," readers examine disruption and denial operations from anti-tank tactics, cyber warfare, nefarious drone use, and sniping. We also spend time underground and explore the dangers of Subterranean Operations.Each volume is a gripping and informative exploration of the ever-changing landscape of modern warfare. Whether you are a military strategist, a curious civilian, or simply interested in the latest technologies and tactics used in war, The Light Fighter Manifesto offers a wealth of knowledge and insights that you won't find anywhere else.Take a moment and check out The Light Fighter Drive, and join us on our Discord Channel.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Chris & Frank April After Action
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Chris & Frank April After Action
Hey All Everyday Sniper People, Chris and Frank here, we just got off a great first class, and wanted to talk about it. We had groups of students for our first RifleKraft - Sniper's Hide 3 Day Training Event and it was just about picture perfect. We had awesome weather, in fact it was like the weather was paying attention to our lessons and it was helping us. We had the perfect set of students too, the right amount to variation in experience levels to max out our side of the equation.
We started out with the fundamentals, I did a short presentation on the high points of that, at which point we went to 100 yards and Shot paper. We created a nice set of drills to build the shooter from prone to tripod and back. These were designed to fix technique and increase precision. From there we took them out to steel.
The second day we another quick presentation, Chris talked the Kraft Quick Wind method, and then immediately out shooting in the 12-18MPH winds so the main change, no disconnect from the lesson to the drill. We are not talking a concept and waiting a day to shooter like was my method before. The KQW just plain works too... yes I am being cagey about the Kraft Quick Wind, because we to solidify it as Chris' before it goes widespread. Too many like appropriate other people ideas out there.
The 3rd day was just plain fun, we started with Gravity Ballistics which we used, but not in the same way. The winds were way too strong to try and do the worksheets in the wind. So on Sunday we had mellow conditions and it made working the Gravity Ballistics so much better. It's just a solid way of doping a rifle.
Awesome time, excellent class, I appreciate all the students and the work Chris put into the effort. More to come so again, thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being a part of the Everyday Sniper Podcast. Now get out and shoot !
Frank Snipers Hide

Monday Apr 08, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: New Training Seasons Starts Now
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: New Training Seasons Starts Now
Spring is in the air, and we are getting ready to kick off the 2024 Training Season. This week is our first official class combining RifleKraft and Sniper's Hide. We have a 3 day course planned for Friday that will focus on the Fundamentals in both the Prone and with a Tripod. In addition to the fundamentals, we will be unveiling to the world the Kraft Quick Wind Model which will change the way we look shooting in the wind. Last week I ventured to Buena Vista Georgia to visit Tom Fuller at Armageddon Gear. He hosted a pre-Match and BBQ for the International Sniper Competition Teams at his place. What a fun event, like a picnic with Shooting. I had a blast with all the International Teams and US Cadre. Tom plans to be make this bigger and better and Sniper's Hide Plans to be there.
Training Links
Gravity Ballistics is doing awesome, people are enjoying the simplicity of the App, and the accuracy of the numbers, so if you have not downloaded Gravity Ballistics give it a try. If you are not sure Gravity Ballistics will work, download the worksheet and try it manually first. The App compared to the worksheet is icing on the cake.
Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being a part of the everyday sniper podcast.

The Everyday Sniper
Welcome to the Everyday Sniper Podcast, hosted by Lowlight of Sniper's Hide.
Sniper's Hide is the Premier Precision Rifle website, talking all things precision rifle related, from Precision Rifle Shooting (PRS) to all things gear and training related.
Don't forget to pick up our book too at Amazon or in the Gun Digest Bookstore. Precision Rifle Marksmanship is a modern look at precision rifle instruction.
Visit Sniper's Hide for more information